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Physical Therapy

PRMC's Physical Therapy Department

Our Physical Therapy Department at PRMC is here to help residents of South Central Kansas improve their lives to achieve better health and function. We have a team of highly trained professionals with years of clinical experience ready to assist you.  Whether you are recovering from a surgery, injury, trying to improve your function or mobility, or need assistance with pain management, our team is here for you. 

Schedule an appointment for Physical Therapy

Call 620.450.1890 to make an appointment or with any questions.

Physical Therapists

Darwin Fisher, PT

P: (620) 450-1891

Janet Meyers, PT

(620) 450-1896

Katie Smith, PT

(620) 450-1899

Ashton Kendall, DPT

(620) 450-1892



Physical Therapy Assistants

Susan Corbet, PTA

Trent McAtee, PTA

Shannen Berens, PTA

Liz Jellison, PTA