Aiding in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases and Disorders
At PRMC, we believe that everyone in South Central Kansas should have access to high-quality healthcare. That is why our laboratory staff utilizes state-of-the-art electronic equipment and computers to help physicians find the answers they need regarding the presence, absence, extent, and causes of diseases.
Our team of highly trained, board-certified technologists, technicians, and phlebotomists provide vital information that aids in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. We’re proud of our commitment to excellent healthcare, and we’re honored to serve the community in this way.
Request a Lab Test with LabDirect
LabDIRECT allows you to request laboratory tests from a select list without a healthcare provider’s order.
Laboratory Services
- Blood bank
- Chemistry
- Hematology
- Computerized patient reporting
- Immunology
- Microbiology
- Pathology services
Contact the Lab
For more information, please call (620) 450-1250 or 1-888-900-PRMC (7762).