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Mission, Vision, and Values

Mission and Vision Statement

Mission: PRMC provides excellent and compassionate healthcare services.

Vision: PRMC will be essential to the health, wellness, and the quality of life in our region.

Philosophy and Core Value Statements

The Board of Directors, Administration, Personnel, and Medical Staff of PRMC, reflecting the religious values of our area, are committed to maintaining and restoring health, enhancing the dignity of the human person, and fostering life from conception to death in a caring, safe, and professional environment.

We Believe in Service

Service to Humanity

We believe in service to humanity. PRMC staff provides considerate and respectful care for the sick and suffering, and/or dying, regardless of age, sex, race, color, national origin, religious creed, handicap, or economic status.

Excellence in Performance

We believe in excellent performance. PRMC staff ensures the healthcare needs and expectations of the customer will be met through a commitment to safety and continuous quality improvement.

Respect for the Individual

We believe that every human is a unique composite of body, mind, and spirit; thus, our concept of care embraces the physical, cultural, psycho-social, emotional, and spiritual needs of the patient. Ministerial services shall be utilized to meet the spiritual and emotional needs of the patient, family, and hospital personnel. As a healthcare institution, we will abide by the patient’s rights and decisions to the extent that the law allows.

Integrity in Relationships

We believe that our patients have certain responsibilities, both moral and legal. We believe that it is the individual’s responsibility to notify the appropriate people of healthcare decisions and to provide to the health care provider a copy of an Advance Directive that the patient would expect to be followed. Patients are expected to conduct themselves properly by respecting facility policies, fellow patients, and hospital personnel. It is the patient’s obligation to maintain personal and fiscal integrity with respect to services provided on their behalf.

Community Responsibility

We believe that our hospital personnel should participate in community planning for health and medical care. The hospital should operate in accordance with the needs of the community it serves and should further education and research according to available resources.

Enhanced Access to Healthcare

We believe that access to healthcare is enhanced through skilled professionals, committed to technology and expansion of local and regional services.